Home » » Necrotizing Fasciitis or Flesh Eating Disease Spreads in Pangasinan - Video

Necrotizing Fasciitis or Flesh Eating Disease Spreads in Pangasinan - Video

Written By Pinoy Favs on Monday, February 24, 2014 | 5:38 PM

Necrotizing Fasciitis or Flesh Eating Disease Spreads in Pangasinan. The video of two victims of Flesh Eating Bacteria that hit Pangasinan, Philippines went viral.

Experts said that there's nothing to worry and they said prophecy is not true. These flesh eating disease really exists but it's rare here in our country.

Video report from Bandila of ABS-CBN showing two victims skins slowly eaten by bacteria.

How Necrotizing Fasciitis disease form? Is it contagious? How to prevent it?
Necrotizing fasciitis does not begin unless an infection has already started in tissue; immediate effective treatment of any infection is likely to prevent the disease. Further, anything that can help prevent infections will help prevent necrotizing fasciitis. Practices such as hand washing, checking extremities for cuts or wounds if you have diabetes, avoiding physical contact with people who carry MRSA, and good hygiene practices help prevent initial infections that may lead to flesh-eating disease.

Necrotizing fasciitis is not contagious. Necrotizing fasciitis is not communicable. The only way to get it is to become infected with the bacteria, just as you would get an infection in a cut at any other time.

Some people said that Prophet Sadhu's Prophecy that went viral last year is becoming real. Prophet Sadhu said that there will be deadly disease or flesh and skin eating disease that will hit Pangasinan, Philippines. 


  1. You have indeed a point. And it's an informative article. But there's nothing wrong when believing to what the Indian prophet had said. You have to wake up from too much rationalism. If you believe in God, you have to pray and repent from sins even if no timed disaster will come as a due.

  2. Its more like you believe in the indian prophet more than God. Have faith.

    Knowledge is power and prevention is always better than cure.



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