Home » » Lawyer Noel Archival killed in Ambush in Cebu

Lawyer Noel Archival killed in Ambush in Cebu

Written By Pinoy Favs on Tuesday, February 18, 2014 | 12:36 AM

[UPDATE]Breaking News: Atty. Noel Archival killed in an ambush on Tuesday, February 18, 2014 in Coro Dalaguete, Cebu. Cebu City Councilor Nestor Archival confirmed that his brother, lawyer Noel, was on board his vehicle with his driver and bodyguard when attacked by gunmen along the boundary of Coro and Banhigan, Dalaguete past 2 p.m. Tuesday. Police are conducting investigation who is the mastermind in killing Lawyer Noel Archival. Atty. Archival is known for handling drug cases and robberies.

SOCO investigators gathered empty shells and found 31 bullet holes in Noel's SUV. One of his aid, Paolo Cortez is still in critical condition after suffering gunshots.


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