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Pinoys Trust US that any other country

Written By Pinoy Favs on Monday, April 28, 2014 | 7:39 PM

According to a recent survey of the polling outfit, Social Weather Stations (SWS), Pinoys trust the US more than any other country in the world, .

In its first quarter survey from March 27-30, the SWS found that 85% of adult Filipinos have much trust in the United States.

“Public trust in the US has been traditionally higher compared to other countries,” the SWS said in a release sent out today.

The number consists of 43% who answered “very much trust” and 41% “somewhat much trust”.

Another 9% answered “undecided or little much trust” and 4% “somewhat little trust”.

The net trust rating is at +79, which is classified as “excellent”. This score is only a few percentage points lower than the record high of +82 in December 2013 and +80 in August 2012.

The net trust is also excellent in all areas, classes, education, and age group.

Mindanao and Balance Luzon each posted a net trust of +80. Metro Manila posted +71 and Visayas at +79.

It is excellent in all classes: +85 in class ABC, +78 in class D or the masa, and +78 in class E.

It is also excellent among men and women, at +80 and +77, respectively.

The same can be said in all age groups, at +84 among 55 and above, +81 among 45-54, +77 among 25-34, +75 among 35-44, and +75 among 18-24.

Net trust in the US is also excellent in all educational levels, with higher scores among those with more formal education: it is +89 among college graduates, +79 among high school graduates, +77 among elementary school graduates, and +68 among those with at most some elementary education.

For SWS, a +70 and above means “excellent”; +50 to +69, “very good”; +30 to +49, “good”; +10 to +29, “moderate”, +9 to -9, “neutral”; -10 to -29, “poor”; -30 to -49, “bad”; -50 to -69, “very bad”; -70 and below, “execrable”.


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