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How to Find and Catch Pokemon easily in Philippines - Best Hacks, Tips and Tricks

Written By Pinoy Favs on Saturday, August 6, 2016 | 8:57 AM

Pokemon Go is officially lauched in Philippines on August 6, 2016 and it was downloadex hundreds of thousand times in a single day. So, how to catch and find Pokemon easily? Here are the best tips, tricks and hacks to catch pokemon specially the rare one.

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Pokémon’s locations are related to their surroundings and time of day, and this applies to rare pokémon most of all. For example, water types will be near the water, and those that only hang around at night in the original games will, similarly, only come out in the evening.

Fire type of Pokémon like Vulpix and Charmander can be found in areas that have warmer conditions like residential areas, cities and farmlands. Dratini belongs to Epic category and Lapras is considered as one of the strongest but rare Pokémon.

Both are said to be found near lakes, pond and rivers. Snorlax and Porygon are said to appear randomly. Electabuzz and Magnemite are both electric type so they are found in places with many electric wires. Chansey is referred to as a healer so it is usually found hospitals and pharmacies. Pikachu can be found in cities, universities and colleges. And lastly, Squirtle and Horsea is found commonly in water bodies.

Your trainer level dictates the level of pokémon you’ll encounter, and generally you’ll run across the evolved versions of pokémon in the same area as their unevolved forms.

When you find your quarry, the coloured ring around them will indicate how tricky they’ll be to catch. The more difficult ones tend to have a higher CP. There are items you can use to increase your chances of successful catch, but they unlock as you level up, eventually acting as rewards for checking in at pokéstops, and leveling up.

There are three additional tiers of pokéballs. Great Balls unlock at level 12, Ultra Balls unlock at level 20, and at the moment, it looks like Master Balls may unlock at level 30. Save these for rare and legendary pokémon and if you use a Razz Berry beforehand (unlocked at level 8), the capture rate for the next ball will get an additional bump.

When you encounter a pokémon, they’ll move around if you’re not quick enough to catch them straight off the bat, so if you’re burning through pokéballs or just getting a bit nauseous from all of that spinning around, you can turn the AR off in the top right corner. They’ll appear in a virtual setting instead and won’t move from the centre of the screen, making it much easier to catch them



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