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DOH: No Flesh Eating Disease in Pangasinan - Truth Behind FED

Written By Pinoy Favs on Tuesday, February 25, 2014 | 12:59 AM

Breaking News: DOH belied Flesh Eating Disease in Pangasinan that made residents panic and became viral online. Department of Health released a statement about the alleged Flesh Eating Disease that spreads in Pangasinan. They belied rumors about a ‘flesh-eating’ skin disease, following reports of two alleged suspected cases in the town.

Press Release / 25 February 2014

“There is no reported case of ‘flesh-eating’ skin disease in the country yet. Absolutely no reason for the public to panic”, Health Secretary Enrique Ona clarified, as he allayed fears that may have been caused by the reports.

Health officials reported that Case (1) was of a female, 21 y/o, from Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan who is on multi-drug therapy for leprosy at a regional health unit. Dr. Myrna Cabotaje, Regional Director (Region I), added that the said patient, who was initially-treated in another private health facility, has now completed the treatment but may still need debridement for her skin lesions. The patient is now being assessed on current drug reaction and for work-up for tuberculosis.

The Provincial Health Officer also checked on the reported Case (2) from Villasis, Pangasinan. Clinical examination confirmed that the patient has a case of severe psoriasis, a chronic skin disease characterized by red patches covered with white scales.

“There are a lot of diseases that may manifest through changes in the skin. It is good to consult our doctors or go to the nearest barangay health unit when we need medical advice and treatment. Let us avail of the free healthcare service in our health facilities”, the Health Chief reminded the public.

Press released by Department of Health
Photo via Bandila


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