But before that, did you know that just like saliva which helps the mouth to be cleansed, the vagina is secreting small amounts of discharge for it to be clean? It is naturally acidic and has a beneficial bacteria to prevent infections from coming and preserve the pH on a normal level. However, vaginal irritation or infection occurs when it drifted from the normal level and an inflammation of the vagina which is the vaginitis may occur. And what causes the 40% of all vaginitis is the Candida. It is a yeast like fungus and about 75% of women deal with this kind of infection at some point of their lives.
The symptoms of the yeast infection are itching and burning sensation in vagina and vulva; abnormal vaginal discharge; odor; red, swollen, painful vaginal mucus membranes and external genitalia; and the presence of satellite lesions which can spread to thighs and anus.
The causes of it are:
1. Birth control pills
2. Increased heat, moisture, and hormonal shifts during pregnancy
3. Diabetes
4. Use of corticosteroid
5. Sexually transmitted diseases
6. HIV infection
7. Obesity
8. Consuming too much sugar
9. Wearing panty hose, tight clothing, or non-cotton underwear
10. Menstruation
11. Repeated vaginitis immediately before and after the menstrual periods
Meanwhile, you can avoid this condition by having a healthy diet. You got to have a lot of fluids in your body which include cranberry juice, yogurt, and some soy products while decreasing the intake of super sugary liquids.
What you have to eat are foods which has a lot of Vitamin E which include: tofu, broccoli, avocado, spinach and other greens, seafood, olive oil, chili powder, pumpkin, squash, mango, sunflower seeds, almond, hazel nuts.
What to Wear
On the other hand, what you must wear is cotton because it allows your private part to breath and absorb moisture.
In addition to that, to be safe against STDs and pregnancy, condom was proved to be safe in keeping the vagina's level at status quo where good bacteria can survive.
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