Home » » Two Giants who made Pyramids Spotted in Giza, Egypt - Video Gone Viral: Real or Fake?

Two Giants who made Pyramids Spotted in Giza, Egypt - Video Gone Viral: Real or Fake?

Written By Pinoy Favs on Monday, July 11, 2016 | 6:01 PM

Alleged giants who made Egypt's Pyramids caught on camera which video surfaces and gone viral online. On July 11, 2016, the video was uploaded in youtube by certain MRE333P and it immediately garnered over million of views.

The video of "Giant men who made Pyramids Appears, Caught on Cam in Egypt" making round in social media and it caught the attention of netizens. Several netizens commented on the video with mixed reactions. Some said that it is a fake video while others were amazed.

According to the uploaded that the Giants has a height of 8 - 9 Ft. Watch the video below and see if it is real or fake.


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