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Boy Died After Playing Dota for 2 Days in Manila - Viral News

Written By Pinoy Favs on Wednesday, July 30, 2014 | 11:41 PM

Viral News: 18 Years Old boy died in Taft Avenue, Manila after non-stop playing DOTA for two days. Neighbors only called the boy "Chris". Medical examiners found no sings of violence or foul play. The police said that Chris played DOTA for 49 hours straight.

According to the neighbors of the victim that we will just called “Chris”, the boy is just living alone in his house and sometimes his friends going there to have some fun. One of Chris’s neighbor noticed that there’s something wrong when the victim didn’t go out for almost four days to buy some food or soda.

They just knew that Chris was already dead when his auntie determine the house. The door is closed and Chris didn't reply their call and text, so they decided to look at the window of Chris’s room and they discovered the dead body of the victim. They immediately called the police and quickly responded to the scene. According to the investigation, no one touched the victim and there’s no signs of violence, so they brought the victim to a specialist.

According to the medical examination on Chris’s body, there’s no signs of any violence in his body but they noticed some signs that the victim died in dehydration and hunger, they were also thinking if the victim was sick before he died. His friends and neighbor said that the victim was a DOTA 2 (an online game)addict. When the police saw the pc of the victim, the DOTA 2 online game was still open, proving that the last game that the victim played is the DOTA 2. The police discovered also there is 2 bottles of Cobra energy drink at the right corner of Chris's monitor. Cobra is the another cause of agitation / restlessness turn to his death.

Chris computer was open for 49 hours straight and the police announced that the victim was already dead for almost 1 day, a clue that the victim maybe played the game for 38 hours straight or more.

source: 1


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